Considering Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular text editor tools, here are some VS Code extensions that will make you a more productive developer.

Table of Extensions

Extension NameUsage
Apk labApk Decompiler
Auto Rename TagAutomatically rename paired HTML/XML tags
autoDocstringQuickly generate docstrings for python functions
carbon-now-shCode snippets
Code RunnerRun code snippet or code file for multiple languages
Code Spell CheckerSpell checker that works well with code and documents
CodeSnap📷 Take beautiful screenshots of your code
EmojiInsert emojis from command palette
Install .VSIXInstall .vsix extensions right from the explorer, with a right click
IntelliCodeAI-assisted coding development
JuliaJulia Language Support
JupyterJupyter notebook support
Jupyter KeymapJupyter keymaps for notebooks
Jupyter Notebook RenderersRenderers for Jupyter Notebooks
Latex Language SupportSyntax highlighting and snippets for LaTeX language
Latex UtilitiesMore features for editing a LaTeX document
Latex WorkshopBoost LaTeX typesetting with VSC efficiently
Live ServerLaunch a development local server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages
Markdown All in ONeExtra Markdown features including keyboard shortcuts, table of contents, auto preview and more
Markdown PasteA smartly paste for markdown
Markdown Preview EnhancedMarkdown Preview Enhanced ported to vscode
Matlab ExtensionMatlab support for VSC
One Dark ProAtom‘s iconic One Dark theme for Visual Studio Code
Power ModeVisual typing effect
PrettierCode formatter using prettier
PylanceA performant, feature-rich language server for Python in VS Code
Python Extension PackPython support for VSC
Python IndentCorrect Python indentation
QuartoVS Code extension for the Quarto scientific and technical publishing system.
Setting SyncSynchronize Settings, Snippets, Themes, File Icons, Launch, Keybindings, Workspaces and Extensions Across Multiple Machines Using GitHub Gist.
Tokyo NightA clean Visual Studio Code theme that celebrates the lights of Downtown Tokyo at night.
Ultra Math PreviewReal-time math preview for latex and markdown
vscode-iconsIcons for Visual Studio Code